Telangana Single Women Pension Application Form Download
Telangana Single Women Pension
Telangana government has started taking the application for pension for single women who are separated from their spouse . The Honorable Chief Minister of Telangana state K Chandrasekhar Rao has announced that Telangana government is going to give rupees 1000 per month for single women’s those were separated from their spouse to strengthen their financial stability to lead their life comfortably . This is a good step by the government of Telangana to empower the women who faced problems in their marital life . The Government of Telangana has put some strict rules to select the eligible candidate for taking the pension from the government . Eligibility for the scheme was clearly given below check the eligibility and apply if you eligible for the scheme
Telangana Single Women Pension Eligibility
The eligibility of the scheme have below rules
- The female who are applying for single women pension should have been separated from their spouse at least for a period of 1 year
- The applicant should be greater than 18 years . Separation period will be confirmed by the local inquiry of concerned officials.
- The female candidates said to be married by a God , jogini , Mathama , Parvathi also eligible for single women pension scheme .
- Female candidates who faced acid attacks or rape attacks are considered as eligible candidates for the pension under humanitarian grounds , this should be recommended by the collector of that district
- The income slab for the applicants should not be more than 1.5 Lakh in rural areas and 2 lacs in urban areas
- The applicant should not get any type of pension from government of the state or Government of India . IF applicant is already getting any pension then she will not be eligible
- If the applicant gets married to another person in future or join in any good job and get the economical stability then the scheme will be stopped thinking that she was economically stable to lead her life /
- If applicant continuous till she reaches 65 years then that pension will be converted into the old age pension scheme
Telangana Single Women Pension Application Procedure
After checking the eligibility conditions if you are satisfying the eligibility conditions you may apply for single women pension scheme. The applications for the pension scheme are available at Municipal offices in urban areas and MPDo offices in rural areas . The applicants should get the application form and fill the details required and submit this application in nearby municipal officer MPDO office.
Candidate needs to attach the latest photograph on application and Bank account or postal account book first page xerox . For declaring that you are having the income below 1.5 Lakh in rural areas and 2. 2 lacs in urban areas you need to attach the income certificate issued by the competent authority .If you are applying as acid attack or rape attack victim you need to attach the FIR copy given by the police . After attaching all necessary documents you need to submit it in municipal office or MPDO office
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